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Bachelor degree programs provide the first professional qualification and university degree. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) characterizes degrees in the humanities and social sciences. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) characterizes degrees in natural sciences, economics and technical fields as well as mathematics and psychology.
B.A. degree programs consist of a major and minor field in addition to a practice-oriented seminars and courses that hone professional skills (BOK [de]). A B.Sc. degree program consists of a major or a major and minor along with a focus on building professional skills.

The so-called polyvalent two-field bachelor’s degree program offers you a choice between two alternatives:

  • High school teaching degree (Option 1): To transition to a Master’s of Education, you select courses from four areas in the education program: – specialty field, educational science, teaching methodology and practice phase (three-week orientation internship).
  • Individually tailored degree program (Option 2): In this program you delve into one or two specialty fields and select so-called career-related skills (BOK) for a specialized master’s degree that you will pursue thereafter. (M.A./M.Sc.).

All bachelor degree programs consist of various modules. A module can be, for instance, a lecture and a seminar after which you customarily complete by taking an exam (study-related exam system). The student receives ECTS points for every module he or she completes successfully. A bachelor degree program requires 180 ECTS points, spanning over six semesters.

Two-field-degree programm

Supplemental field
20-30 ECTS points

Minor field

30-40 ECTS points

Major field

120 ECTS points

degree preogram

Option 1:
Teaching degree
10 ECTS points
Teaching methodology
per field
5 ECTS points
Option 2:
tailored degree program
20 ECTS points
at least 8
of which in the area
of skill-building (BOK)

Major field 1

75 ECTS points

Major field 2

75 ECTS points

One-field-degree program

Supplemental field
at least 20 ECTS points

Major field

160-172 ECTS points