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Financial aid for international students (no scholarships!)

The Registration Office and IAS (International Admission & Services) offer special consultation hours for enrolment on Wednesday, 2 October 2024 from 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-16:00 and on Friday, 4 October 2024 from 10:00-12:00.


The International Office of the University of Freiburg has the possibility to provide financial support to international students who find themselves without fault of their own in an unforeseen, temporary emergency situation. Please be aware, that the University Freiburg itself does not offer full-funded scholarships like e.g. american universities.


There are three types of support:

  • „Studienbeihilfe“: for international students from the 4th semester
  • „Studienabschlussbeihilfe“: for international students in the examination phase
  • „Promotionsabschlussbeihilfe“: for international doctoral students who are about to finish their doctorate (maximum 6 months until submission).


Applications are possible for:

  • Foreign students with foreign nationality who are enrolled at the University of Freiburg with the aim of obtaining a degree („degree seeking students“)
  • International doctoral students of the University of Freiburg


Applications are NOT possible for:

  • Exchange students
  • Students who (also) have the German citizenship or have acquired their university entrance qualification in Germany
  • Students who are abroad during their final phase of their studies.



Before an application, a consultation must be held at the International Office (either in person or by telephone). Contact Ms. Scheidler for such an appointment:


Application Deadlines :

  • Applications can be made at any time.


Application documents


Please send the completed, printed and signed application form as well as the other application documents to:


University of Freiburg

International Office

Luitgard Scheidler


79085 Freiburg